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The RS and P4C Specialist

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(based on 42 reviews)

I am curreny teaching across the Key Stages as the Head of Religious Studies in a comprehensive secondary school. Previously I have led a RS department in an inner-city school and also taught Humanities including experience of teaching Geography at KS3, as well as History at KS3 and KS4 and Sociology at KS5. I'm a Religious Studies and Philosophy specialist, having studied Philosophy at university and taught RS at KS3, KS4 and KS5.




I am curreny teaching across the Key Stages as the Head of Religious Studies in a comprehensive secondary school. Previously I have led a RS department in an inner-city school and also taught Humanities including experience of teaching Geography at KS3, as well as History at KS3 and KS4 and Sociology at KS5. I'm a Religious Studies and Philosophy specialist, having studied Philosophy at university and taught RS at KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Attitudes to divorce in the UK

Attitudes to divorce in the UK

GCSE lesson on the attitude to divorce in the UK, including the legality of divorce as well as viewpoints from Protestant and Catholic Christians. Should be used with the worksheet and information PPT. Follows the 'NEW' Edexcel GCSE specification.
Formulaic and Extempore prayers in Christianity

Formulaic and Extempore prayers in Christianity

GCSE lesson on the use of different types of prayer in Christianity, with specific focus on the difference between extempore and formulaic prayer. Incorporating the 'Lord's prayer' and a creative activity where students can create their own extempore prayer.
Christian beliefs in life after death

Christian beliefs in life after death

NEW GCSE Edexcel RS specification on Matters of Life and Death. Lesson focusing on sources of wisdom and authority from Christianity concerning attitudes to and belief in life after death. The main task is a practice GCSE question following the new specification requirements with a broken down student-friendly mark scheme for self- or peer-assessment. Plenary includes a plenary wheel with eight possible plenaries which always goes down really well with students.
The Tri-Murti in Hinduism

The Tri-Murti in Hinduism

A lesson exploring the relationship between the Tri-Murti and Brahman in Hinduism focusing on the characteristics of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in relation to Brahma as a whole. Suitable for all Key Stages - but especially effective at GCSE or A-level. Video clip to play in conjunction with slide 4 - what is a mum?.
Act Utilitarianism

Act Utilitarianism

A lesson suitable for GCSE or A-level to introduce Jeremy Bentham's Act Utilitarianism. The main focus is on Bentham's 'Principle or Utility' and how it can be applied to moral decision making. The lesson gives a comprehensive introduction to action based Utilitarianism and includes several moral dilemmas for students to apply to the theory. The main task gives students a range of essay based questions to choose from to argue either in favour or against the 'Principle of Utility'.
The Nature of Brahman in Hinduism

The Nature of Brahman in Hinduism

A GCSE or A-level lesson focusing on the nature of Brahman in Hinduism based on sources of wisdom and authority from the Puranas, Upanishads and Vedas. A creative main task for students to compose their own hymn to Brahman.
Hindu Deities: Ganesha

Hindu Deities: Ganesha

A visual and creative lesson which can be adapted to suit all abilities and all Key Stages, but is especially effective at GCSE level. Focusing on the symbolism of the Hindu Deity Ganesha and how he links to the overall concept of Brahman in Hinduism. Includes a brilliant video that explores the different aspects of Brahman as well as an opportunity for students to be creative and draw and colour their own Ganesha template (lower ability) as well as to analyse the symbolism of Ganesha in more depth (higher ability). The main task allows students to explore Hindu Deities through De Bono's hats, which is a great differentiation tool.
An introduction to Situation Ethics

An introduction to Situation Ethics

A GCSE or A-level lesson introducing Situation Ethics and Joseph Fletcher's core principle of Agape. Introduces the Working and Fundamental principles which govern moral decision making in Situation Ethics. Each task is designed and differentiated to work either as written work or class based discussion. The attached work sheet gives a summary of Situation Ethics which students have found very helpful for revision.
Pro-choice arguments for abortion

Pro-choice arguments for abortion

A GCSE or A-level lesson exploring four pro-choice arguments for abortion; personhood, women's rights, self-defence and the double effect doctrine. Students are asked to investigate and then respond to these arguments in terms of their moral and ethical value. This is a peer-teach lesson where students are split into groups and carousel from teacher to teacher to gather content. I usually pick the most able students as peer teachers and the whole class enjoys a 'day off' from their normal teacher.
The purpose of life from a Christian perspective

The purpose of life from a Christian perspective

A GCSE or A-level lesson exploring the Christian view on the purpose of life using sources of wisdom and authority including Aquinas' Natural Law, the Biblical creation story and the 10 Commandments. I have used this lesson to introduce the topic of abortion and euthanasia and get students to understand the underlying values and principles which shape the Christian beliefs on the purpose of life. There is plenty of scope to teach this lesson through class discussion which always goes down well on this topic.
Abortion and Euthanasia: The Quality of Life argument

Abortion and Euthanasia: The Quality of Life argument

A GCSE or A-level lesson on the argument for the 'Quality of Life' in relation to abortion and euthanasia. This lesson focuses on John Finnis' argument FOR abortion and euthanasia based on 'quality of life' and goes into Peter Vardy's 'stages of rationality' argument FOR abortion. The main task is very creative and embeds some Literacy elements, as students have produce a leaflet arguing either for or against abortion and euthanasia, based on 'quality of life'. This can be done individually, in pairs or groups.
The value of life from a Christian perspective

The value of life from a Christian perspective

A GCSE or A-level lesson exploring the Christian view on the value of life using sources of wisdom and authority as well as investigating how the Hippocratic Oath links to euthanasia. I have used this lesson to introduce the topic of euthanasia and get students to understand the underlying values and principles which shape the Christian beliefs on the value of life. There is plenty of scope to teach this lesson through class discussion which always goes down well on this topic.
Abortion from a non-religious perspective

Abortion from a non-religious perspective

3 Resources
A three-lesson short term scheme of work on abortion from a philosophical, legal and Humanist perspective suitable for GCSE Religious Studies. Start with the lesson on abortion as a moral issue, followed by the legal attitudes to abortion in the UK and finish with the Humanist perspective of pro-choice argument for abortion. An excellent way to start teaching about this controversial issue.
Non religious views on euthanasia

Non religious views on euthanasia

3 Resources
A three lesson short-term scheme of work suitable for GCSE or A-level Religious Studies. A strong focus on the moral, legal and philosophical responses to euthanasia. Start with the introduction to euthanasia lesson, followed by euthanasia and the law and finally the lesson on palliative care. The perfect way for students to engage in the non-religious arguments for and against euthanasia and consider how far the law is fir for purpose and if palliative care can offer a genuine alternative.
The Sanctity of Life

The Sanctity of Life

3 Resources
A three lesson short-term scheme of work to introduce the topic of abortion and euthanasia suitable for GCSE or A-level teaching. I have found this introduction sets the tone really well with students for an in-depth analysis and evaluation of why Christians place such importance on the sanctity of life and how this in turn reflects on their attitudes to abortion and euthanasia. Includes reference to sources of wisdom and authority from Christianity. Start with the lesson on the purpose of life, followed by the value of life and end with the quality of life, which starts to question Christian concepts and gives students the opportunity to contextualise the concept of the sanctity of life.
Life after Death

Life after Death

3 Resources
NEW GCSE Edexcel Religious Studies short-term scheme of work covering Christian, non-religious and non-belief in life after death including reference to sources of wisdom and authority. Can be taught in any order.
Ethics and Fair Trade

Ethics and Fair Trade

A GCSE lesson introducing Fair Trade and the ethical and moral issues it addresses. No previous knowledge of ethics or morality are necessary and the lesson is based around plenty of case studies for students to get their teeth stuck into. I have used this as a stand-alone lesson with KS3, or as the start of a Fair Trade project with KS4 and as part of a Business Ethics topic at A-level and found students to be very receptive.


5 Resources
A medium-term scheme of work covering an introduction to morality and ethics and examining the Utilitarianism of Bentham and Mill in a comprehensive overview, suitable for GCSE or A-level Religious Studies. Start with the introduction to morality and ethics, followed by Act Utilitarianism and then the Hedonic Calculus. Finish off with Bentham's and then Mill's approach to Utilitarianism.
The Amrit Ceremony

The Amrit Ceremony

A lesson within the broader topic of 'Belonging' investigating the significance of the Amrit ceremony for Sikhs including the meaning behind the 5Ks and how the Khalsa can establish a sense of belonging.